Easy and Budget-friendly Treats For This #WorkFromHome Season

Easy and Budget-friendly Treats For This #WorkFromHome Season

It’s never the nicest to deal with an epidemic and trying to keep your sanity intact at the same time. CoVID-19 has been a tough one to face, but there’s always coping mechanisms to serve as saving grace.

Truth be told, it wouldn’t hurt to treat yourself from time to time! Because we care for you, here’s a set of easy to prepare and budget-friendly treats you can indulge in while you’re working from home or just staying inside!

Minatamis Na Saging

The best excuse for potassium intake and the best way to up-the-ante on your fruit dessert craving! A simple caramel syrup goes a long way with Minatamis na Saging, and can even be escalated to a different dessert sensation with some evaporated milk, shaved ice, and sago (tapioca) if you have some on you.

Main Ingredients:

  • Banana
  • Sugar
  • Water

minatamis na saging

Dalgona Coffee

You keep seeing it in stories and TikTok for a reason, so why don’t you give it a try! It may take a bit of arm-work (around 15 minutes of beating), but consider it your bicep workout this quarantine season instead!

Main Ingredient:

  • Coffee
  • Sugar
  • Milk
  • Ice (optional)

Dalgona Coffee

Kori Kohi

It sure is getting hotter while we’re moving into summer, so why won’t u treat yourself with an easy-to-make, 3-ingredient Kori Kohi? Bring this cafe dish to your home and ditch the FOMO, while you surely make yourself focused and energized while also being refreshed!

Main Ingredients:

  • Coffee (iced)
  • Hot Milk
  • Sugar

Interested? Check the recipe here.

Kori Kohi

Banana Puff Puff

This delicious snack is made of fried dough and banana. If you are fond of making pancakes, adding a hearty amount of ripe bananas will surely go a long way and not to mention there is a huge boost to the flavor.

Main Ingredients:

  • Banana
  • Flour
  • Baking Powder
  • Sugar

Banana Puff Puff


Who doesn’t miss the quintessential Chinese takeout? Aside from the sticky-sauced chicken, the chow mien (pansit) and the sumptuous fried rice, we can not fail to admit that the star of the show would be the dumplings of course! These meat pockets of pure joy are a surefire hit and a total miss while we exist to live in this ECQ season.

It’s not too complicated to have it delivered to your house, or maybe you’d opt to make some yourself? 

Main Ingredients:

  • Dumpling / Molo Wrapper
  • Ground Pork
  • Onions
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Soy Sauce



It’s dessert lumpia! The first oily-crunchy-sweet bite gets me every time! Turon is a street staple (no denying) and is usually along the side of other fried snacks such as bananacue, kamotecue, maruya, and lumpiang togue. But I can daringly say it stands above the rest, as its the only one with so many iterations for one simple dish! Inclusions such as langka, ube, tikoy inside the wrapper elevate the dish to another level.

Not to mention the occasional toasted sesame seeds outside and the ever so famous Banana Rhuma of Mang Tootz fame.

Main Ingredients:

  • Banana
  • Lumpia Wrapper
  • Sugar
  • Langka (optional)



A breakfast dish that’s also an easy snack to make. It’s one of the more versatile bread to make, as it fits with a lot of topping to make a whopping number of variations on how you can serve it! It works with any syrup, fruit, and chocolate, not to mention the huge dollop of whipped cream you put on top. Fanciness aside, it also stands on its own as a terrific snack buddy.

PRO TIP: Whip the egg whites aside until you form a meringue. Then carefully fold the batter into it to make yourself a souffle pancake! 

Main Ingredients:

  • Flour
  • Baking Powder
  • Vanilla extract
  • Eggs
  • Butter

It definitely wouldn’t hurt to have some fun and treat yourself once in a while. These food are here to stay and will always be accessible upon request as long as everything cooperates and enables.

Don’t hesitate to take that breather, I promise you it’s for the better! Stress may go a long way, but so does give in to a guilty pleasure!

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