5 Reasons to Keep a Photo Book With You

People say that a photo can speak a thousand words. Well, it really does.

A single picture can bring memories and emotions from several years back. With the advent of modern technology, keeping memories are made more comfortable and more convenient. Almost every phone has a built-in camera. Anyone can capture any moment they wish to—however, cloud and digital storage give printed photos a lesser value. People opt to look at pictures through screens. Besides, you can get more audiences online.

Keep a Photo Book

Despite the advances, the value that we gave to printed photos should remain the same.

Regardless if you are a traveler or just a photography enthusiast, here are the five reasons why you should always keep a photo book with you!

You can share your special moments

While our brains are great in keeping experiences, they still have their limitations. Every now and then, memories fade and are replaced by new ones. It happens without notice, so you might as well make a lasting copy of it.

Different places leave different experiences. Having a photo book inside a bag is a great idea, especially for travel photographers. By printing pictures as you move from different destinations, you can choose and only keep the best ones. The adventures are so fresh that you can easily identify which photos really did capture the moments.

It can be your legacy

Once we are gone, our families can only keep few proofs of our existence, and photographs are one of the best way to remind them of us. We often think of photo albums in its short term importance, and we forget how they represent us here on Earth several years after our death.

Similarly, photo books presents how we live our lives while we are still here. It shows the experiences, the places, the people, and several more things that are included in a photo. It silently retells our stories for the next generations to come.

Prevent possible losses

While digital storage is convenient, it is very prone to issues that can possibly take our precious memories in an instant. It can happen to anyone, anytime. Losing cherished photos is heartbreaking, especially if photography is really your passion. You might have gone to a far destination just to have the opportunity to have the perfect shot. You might have purchased a high-quality camera to get the best of the moment and then in an instant, the pictures are gone.

Keeping hard copies of photographs gives us more control over them. Unlike technology, photo albums are at lower risk, and can easily be protected from misuse or any other unwanted events.

Reminisce the past

Future is exciting, but looking back provides us with warm feelings that the present nor the future cannot provide. Photo albums give us the opportunity to revisit the memories of the past anytime we want. It acts as a collection of the people we came across with, places we have gone to, experiences we have had, the pains, the happiness of the past.

2019 was a bit memorable for me since I was able to bag several photography awards so I decided to have them in a 14×11 photo book.

Photo books may seem outdated by now, but the value that it provides us with exceeds the happiness and pleasure that the screens of camera and phone give us.

Photo books are timeless. It is an album of emotions and memories, of places and people. It is something that anyone, especially photographers, would want to have in their every travel.

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