4 Simple Ways on How to Plan the Ultimate UK Staycation

uk staycation

It would be fair to say that the events of the last couple of years have almost re-invented the traditional UK staycation. Sure, it was on an upward trend anyway, but circumstances have meant more people have been making the most of their home country than ever before.

Whether or not this continues, we’ll wait and see. As airlines have to contend with new rules and regulations, domestic getaway vendors take full advantage. However, like any type of holiday, there are right and wrong ways to plan this. Through today, we will focus on the former.

Remember the travel-factor

Just because you’re staying on home soil, it doesn’t mean to say that you effectively don’t have to travel to your chosen destination. On the contrary, there are all sorts of rush hours to contend with, which can eat into your trip.

You might not be hopping on an aeroplane, but don’t dismiss the time factor when it comes to British roads. Particularly if you are trying to create a long weekend, this is something that can become much shorter without adequate planning.

uk staycation

The cost of living

This one is a biggie. Just because you’re in the UK doesn’t make things automatically cheaper. Some would say that the opposite is true – particularly in the current climate.

Therefore, if you are working to a budget, it’s essential to research your destination well. There are some great value-for-money spots, but they can be challenging to find if you don’t know where to look.

As we all know, the likes of London cost a small fortune to simply eat and survive. However, branch further afield, and you can cut your day-to-day costs significantly.

Is your destination designed for tourists?

This is a critical question and one which is often overlooked. Just because a place is ‘nice’ or ‘pretty’, it doesn’t mean to say that it is easy to get around or that there are plenty of things to do.

In order to make the most of your staycation, it is crucial that you are proactive and do your research.

This will help ensure that you pick a destination which is not only picturesque but also offers a great experience for those visiting. The last thing you want is to rock up at your destination of choice, only to realise that most attractions are only open on the weekends when the locals are around.

uk staycation

Is there a plan B because of the weather?

This is a classic UK mistake. Just because the sun is shining when you leave doesn’t mean to say that it will still be there when you arrive. The weather in this country can be notoriously temperamental, which can significantly impact your staycation plans. Therefore, it is always worth having a backup plan – just in case.

This applies to your entire trip, as well. Choosing a place with countless outdoor activities is admirable, particularly if you have children. However, it’s not always realistic – and this is where a plan B is essential.


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